Back-of-the-book indexing
Back of the book indexes are prepared from the final proofs of the manuscript that can be submitted as a hard copy, or as a PDF file (preferred). Page numbers are used as locators for index entries. We utilize Cindex software that handles many time-consuming tasks such as sorting, formatting, page collation, and cross-reference checking.
Embedded indexing
Embedded indexes are prepared in MS Word. Index entries are inserted into the document. We use WordEmbed software that allows us to index a document in Cindex and then turn the result into an embedded Word index. Because embedded indexing is a complex and time-consuming task, the average rates are usually 20% higher than the traditional back-of- the-book indexing.
Indexing in LaTeX
We also specialize in indexing manuscripts prepared in LaTeX. This typesetting system is often used for production of technical and scientific documentation with complex layout, multilingual material, and abundance of tables and figures. We ensure the precise embedding of index entries into a LaTeX file, and proper sorting of these entries in the generated index. Due to the technical complexity of this process, the cost of indexing in LaTeX is 20-25% higher than back-of-the-book indexing.
Subject specialties
We specialize in history, archaeology, biography, political science, current affairs, religion, international relations, media studies, library and information science. We are particularly interested in topics related to Russian and East European Studies. Our indexing experience and the relationships we have formed with our clients have increased our expertise and we are eager to expand our practice.